b) Kurt Holtzer & Kevin Leese
We learned that the meaning of the Latin phrase is "Don't let the bastards grind you down" and it seems fitting for the whole them of the book and how Offred is trying to stay hopeful throughout. We also found it interesting that the Commander didn't even know where he got the phrase from. I think it is supposed to symbolize people's constant need to not be told what to do; it's built into us and into our spirits to be free and control our own destinies. I did like that we finally understand what the Latin means but I am also disappointed at the origin of it. I thought it was going to be some great underground resistance movement and the Latin was like a code word. But instead it was carved by another handmaid the we are lead to believe learned it from the Commander when she would visit him at night too. And it was also a bit of a let down that now we know that that handmaid hung herself in the room so in the end she let herself be grounded down until she wasn't able to take it anymore. But we also got to find out why there is no light fixture in the room because that is what she hung herself from. I kind of like how the book reveals these little bits of information as the story goes on because it forces you to keep reading so that you can eventually find out. It also makes the story more interesting and it gives you something to look forward to. But I don't think you should do what they do here and make the reveal anti-climactic because then it is just a big let down and we read all of this for nothing. It's like John Snow in game of thrones because they mention that he is the son of Ned Stark and some other women but they never tell us who or even tell us if that story is true for that matter. So if they do EVENTUALLY explain it then it should not be just shrugged off and given a lazy last minute story that will upset everyone.
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